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Lucija Brezočnik participated at the IEEE CEuSYP’23 Congress

One of the main goals of the Central European Student and Young Professionals (CEuSYP) Congress is to bring students and young professionals together, increase the interest of students to remain volunteers after graduation and participate in the activities of their local Young Professional affinity groups. Special focus was also the transfer of knowledge to new volunteers, as well as recently established or reactivated student branches and Young Professionals affinity groups.… Read More »Lucija Brezočnik participated at the IEEE CEuSYP’23 Congress

AI-ENABLE project kick-off meeting

On November 30th and December 1st, a kick-off meeting for the Erasmus+ Project Enhancing Inclusive Education in Higher Education Institutions with Artificial Intelligence (AI-ENABLE) was held at the University of Deusto (Bilbao, Spain). Our member, Maja Pušnik, together with Boštjan Šumak from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor coordinated the meeting with  partners from Slovenia (Inštitut za napredno upravljanje komunikacij), Turkey (Istanbul Universitesi – Cerrahpasa),… Read More »AI-ENABLE project kick-off meeting

Lucija Brezočnik received the best poster award

We are happy to announce that our member, Lucija Brezočnik, together with co-authors Tanja Žlender (NIJZ), Vili Podgorelec (FERI), and Maja Rupnik (MF, NIJZ) received the award for the best poster on automatic identification of polluters using comparative analysis of the 16S rRNA gene at the Power of Microbes in Industry and Environment 2023 Symposium. Many challenges we face require the integration of various fields and combining professional knowledge, which is reflected in innovative… Read More »Lucija Brezočnik received the best poster award

Dr. Martina Šestak held an invited lecture at the Data Analytics Forum

Dr. Martina Šestak held an invited lecture titled „Data pipeline architecture design in the context of data space implementation“ at the Forum podatkovne analitike (Data Analytics Forum, FPA 2023) conference held on April 20 in Ljubljana. As part of the lecture, she presented an overview of current approaches and technologies for big data architectures and the current achievements in designing an agrifood data spaces within the scope of the ZeroW… Read More »Dr. Martina Šestak held an invited lecture at the Data Analytics Forum

International Girls in ICT Day – 27 April

The International Girls in ICT Day is celebrated every last Thursday in April and it was founded to encourage girls to chart their career path based on personal interests and talent, not stereotypes. It encourages girls’ interest in technology, computing, new communication media and engineering, offers them opportunities to make connections for future careers and inspires them to take leadership positions. Two of our members, were interviewed on the topic… Read More »International Girls in ICT Day – 27 April

Lucija Brezočnik selected as a member of the IEEE Region 8 Humanitarian Activities Committee

Our member, Lucija Brezočnik has been selected as a member of the IEEE Region 8 Humanitarian Activities Committee. The mission of the committee is to inspire and empower IEEE Region 8 volunteers (in Europe, Africa and the Middle East) to implement and support humanitarianism through effective technologies for sustainable development at the local level. The new committee consists of Committee Chair Theodoros Chatzinikolaou (Greece), Past Chair Abdullateef Aliyu (Nigeria), members… Read More »Lucija Brezočnik selected as a member of the IEEE Region 8 Humanitarian Activities Committee

Women in Cybersecurity event

On Wednesday, 29 March 2023, the Chamber of Commerce hosted the event Women in Cyber Security – Trends, Opportunities and Current Challenges, organised by the Cyber Security Section (Association for Informatics and Telecommunications), the ICT Horizontal Network and DIH Slovenia. The event highlighted the opportunities that are key to encouraging girls’ early interest in engineering, technical careers and raising awareness among the general public about what it looks like to… Read More »Women in Cybersecurity event

Our members collaborated in CONCORDIA project

56 institutions from 21 countries collaborated on the research and innovation project At UM FERI, we have contributed to several high-profile results with several scientific publications, of particular note is the paper “Applying k-vertex Cardinality Constraints on a Neo4j Graph Database” by Martina Šestak, Marjan Herička, Tatjana Welzer Družovec and Muhamed Turkanović, published in 2021 in the Elsevier journal Future Generation Computer Systems, was specially highlighted as one of the… Read More »Our members collaborated in CONCORDIA project

Tjaša Heričko received Best Presentation Award at the ICSIM conference

Our member, Tjaša Heričko from the Institute of Informatics, has been awarded the Best Presentation Award at the International Conference on Software Engineering and Information Management for her presentation of the paper “On the Relationship Between Linter Warning Density and Software Maintainability: An Empirical Study of JavaScript Projects” (Tjaša Heričko, Boštjan Šumak). Congratulations!