CONCORDIA is a major H2020 consortium to interconnect Europe’s Cybersecurity capabilities. It will establish a pilot for a Cybersecurity Competence Network and will lead the development of a common Cybersecurity Research & Innovation Roadmap for Europe.
A dedicated EU-wide consortium involving prominent industry, academia, SMEs and especially national cyber security centers launches the H2020 project CONCORDIA (Cyber Security Competence for Re-search and Innovation). CONCORDIA will pilot an EU Cybersecurity Competence Network to provide technological, societal and policy leadership for Europe. CONCORDIA aims to implement a common Cybersecurity Research & Innovation Roadmap for Europe.
The purpose of the EkoSmart program is to develop a smart city ecosystem with all the support mechanisms necessary for efficient, optimized and gradual integration of individual areas into a unified and coherent system of value chains. The program focuses on three key domains of smart cities: health, active living and mobility; and forms strategic relationships with municipalities and other areas of smart cities, such as energy, smart buildings, involvement of citizens, smart communities, etc. EkoSMART introduces the universal architecture of a smart city, based on the combination of self-learning and self-optimizing agents able to find a common Nash equilibrium even between inhomogeneous sources; this architecture enables the realization of all the concepts of smart cities, such as interoperability, self-adaptivity and self-configurability, open data, semantic interoperability, and integration of social capital. In terms of economy, the vision of the EkoSmart program is to launch Slovenian solutions in the field of smart cities on the world market. The realization of this vision is based on several major approaches: concentration of knowledge and experience, focus on the user, evolutionary development, and flexible architecture.
EduCTX ecosystem - a global decentralized platform aimed at awarding digital micro-certificates to trusted institutions. The platform offers a comprehensive and unified digital environment for managing, assigning and presenting certificates for individuals and educational institutions and other potential stakeholders, such as companies and educational institutions and organizations. At the same time, it will enable the development of its own digital services, which offer organizations the opportunity to automate the evaluation of skills and knowledge of individuals. The platform is the foundation of the EduCTX initiative ( that seeks to bring together different stakeholders to combine strengths and create a globally effective, simplified and comprehensive environment with the aim of avoiding language and administrative barriers.
Development on the Ethereum Platform Using Smart Contracts - The Alfa version of the EduCTX platform is available at
Aim of this project is to develop Certified VET training modules and Accessible web platform focused on digital accessibility to improve the knowledge, skills and competencies of key stakeholders according to web accessibility standards and in order to enable them to respond to the needs of visual, auditory, physical or cognitive disabled as well as older persons or low literacy website visitors / apps users, so they in turn are able to fully access and benefit from the digital era.
The project will:
- contribute to better access to training and qualifications for all, through making all materials accessible to all and freely downloaded from web portal,
- have impact on social inclusion of people with disabilities by promoting and encouraging learning about accessible webs and apps
- strengthen professional development of trainers, teachers.
Alpine space rural communities are deprived of highly needed jobs, good provision of services as well as a favorable climate for enterprenuership and social innovation, which result in a brain drain. Digitalization is a promising approach to counter the situation. However, the digital divide between rural and urban areas has even increased in the last years. A Smart Village (SV) approach for mountain areas could unlock the potential of local actors to make their region a more attractive place to live and work. The project aims to apply a SV approach and bring together - in so-called Regional Stakeholder Groups (policy makers, business, academia and civil society) to improve the framework for innovation through new forms of stakeholder involvement facilitated by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).The project contributes to better framework conditions for innovation on two aspects – the organizational and societal part (working with Regional Stakeholder Groups) and the technical part (Digital Exchange Platform and Toolbox with new digital products) and combining the strengths of both sides. Finally, the transfer of the results to the policy level contributes to improve the political framework conditions for digital innovation.