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Best paper award at SQAMIA 2019

At the SQAMIA 2019 workshop (Workshop on Software Quality Analysis, Monitoring, Improvement, and Applications), members of the Institute of Informatics, in collaboration with researchers from the University of Rijeka, received the award for the best article. Among them is also a founding member of the initiative Ladies in Informatics, Lucija Brezočnik.

Members of Ladies in informatics active in Women in Cyber – a Manifesto for Today

Members of initiative Ladies in informatics were also active in H2020 project CONCORDIA which has a special section where they presented the Women in Cyber – a Manifesto for TODAY at the ACM WomENcourage 2019 workshop in Rome. The Manifesto adopts a holistic approach aiming at addressing the gender gap from different perspectives. It implements concrete actions addressing the goals set out in this Manifesto across six key areas and… Read More »Members of Ladies in informatics active in Women in Cyber – a Manifesto for Today

Best Paper Award received by one of the members of the Initiative

At the ‘Central and Eastern European’ forum of the Business Process Management Conference (BPM 2019), which is considered to be the largest and most renown event in the field of business process management technologies and methodologies worldwide, the members of the Institute of Informatics, FERI, in cooperation with National Technical University, “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (Ukraine), received the award for the best paper. Saša Kuhar is also a founding member of… Read More »Best Paper Award received by one of the members of the Initiative

A new paper on how to eliminate the stereotype of “non-female” academic professions?

A new paper on how to eliminate the stereotype of “non-female” academic professions was published in a publication by the Association of Engineering Societies Maribor published in March 2020. The paper was written by Lucija Brezočnik. Recently, we have witnessed increasing social and economic concern due to the low representation of women in the science and technology industry. As this is not just a local problem but is observed in… Read More »A new paper on how to eliminate the stereotype of “non-female” academic professions?

The initiative Ladies in Informatics founded

During a gender equality talk we have founded the initiative Ladies in Informatics with a goal of uniting female scientists with related research interests in the domains of computer science and informatics. The team members are ready to inspire others to reduce gender gap differences in STEM fields.