The International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) annually publishes an IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics. This is a non-profit project aimed at advancing medical informatics and promoting the dissemination and exchange of information between researchers and professionals in the health and bioinformation community. Twenty-eight IMIA Yearbooks have been published since the first edition of the yearbook was established (1992). The IMIA Yearbook contains references, reviews, and links to the best medical informatics articles from the previous year, along with several original articles. Among other things, the editorial board of the yearbook of medical informatics also selected the article Multi-level medical knowledge formalization to support medical practice for chronic diseases for 2020, the authors of which are Aida Kamišalić Latifić, David Riaño, Suzana Kert, Tatjana Welzer and Lili Nemec Zlatolas. The article was chosen among the three best articles published in 2019 in the field of decision support in medicine. Three authors of these paper are also founding members of the initiative Ladies in Informatics.